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192 lines
-- --
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-- A D A . T E X T _ I O . G E N E R I C _ A U X --
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-- S p e c --
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-- $Revision: 1.11 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994,1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). --
-- --
-- This package contains a set of auxiliary routines used by the Text_IO
-- generic children, including for reading and writing numeric strings.
package Ada.Text_IO.Generic_Aux is
-- Note: for all the Load routines, File indicates the file to be read,
-- Buf is the string into which data is stored, Ptr is the index of the
-- last character stored so far, and is updated if additional characters
-- are stored. Data_Error is raised if the input overflows Buf. The only
-- Load routines that do a file status check are Load_Skip and Load_Width
-- so one of these two routines must be called first.
procedure Check_End_Of_Field
(File : File_Type;
Buf : String;
Stop : Integer;
Ptr : Integer;
Width : Field);
-- This routine is used after doing a get operations on a numeric value.
-- Buf is the string being scanned, and Stop is the last character of
-- the field being scanned. Ptr is as set by the call to the scan routine
-- that scanned out the numeric value, i.e. it points one past the last
-- character scanned, and Width is the width parameter from the Get call.
-- There are two cases, if Width is non-zero, then a check is made that
-- the remainder of the field is all blanks. If Width is zero, then it
-- means that the scan routine scanned out only part of the field. We
-- have already scanned out the field that the ACVC tests seem to expect
-- us to read (even if it does not follow the syntax of the type being
-- scanned, e.g. allowing negative exponents in integers, and underscores
-- at the end of the string), so we just raise Data_Error.
procedure Check_On_One_Line (File : File_Type; Length : Integer);
-- Check to see if item of length Integer characters can fit on
-- current line. Call New_Line if not, first checking that the
-- line length can accomodate Length characters, raise Layout_Error
-- if item is too large for a single line.
function Getc (File : File_Type) return Integer;
-- Gets next character from file, which has already been checked for
-- being in read status, and returns the character read if no error
-- occurs. The result is EOF if the end of file was read. Note that
-- the Col value is not bumped, so it is the caller's responsibility
-- to bump it if necessary.
function Is_Blank (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Determines if C is a blank (space or tab)
procedure Load_Width
(File : File_Type;
Width : in Field;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer);
-- Loads exactly Width characters, unless a line mark is encountered first
procedure Load_Skip (File : File_Type);
-- Skips leading blanks and line and page marks, if the end of file is
-- read without finding a non-blank character, then End_Error is raised.
-- Note: a blank is defined as a space or horizontal tab (RM A.10.6(5)).
procedure Load
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer;
Char : Character;
Loaded : out Boolean);
-- If next character is Char, loads it, otherwise no characters are loaded
-- Loaded is set to indicate whether or not the character was found.
procedure Load
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer;
Char : Character);
-- Same as above, but no indication if character is loaded
procedure Load
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer;
Char1 : Character;
Char2 : Character;
Loaded : out Boolean);
-- If next character is Char1 or Char2, loads it, otherwise no characters
-- are loaded. Loaded is set to indicate whether or not one of the two
-- characters was found.
procedure Load
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer;
Char1 : Character;
Char2 : Character);
-- Same as above, but no indication if character is loaded
procedure Load_Digits
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer;
Loaded : out Boolean);
-- Loads a sequence of zero or more decimal digits. Loaded is set if
-- at least one digit is loaded.
procedure Load_Digits
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer);
-- Same as above, but no indication if character is loaded
procedure Load_Extended_Digits
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer;
Loaded : out Boolean);
-- Like Load_Digits, but also allows extended digits a-f and A-F
procedure Load_Extended_Digits
(File : File_Type;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer);
-- Same as above, but no indication if character is loaded
function Nextc (File : File_Type) return Integer;
-- Like Getc, but includes a call to Ungetc, so that the file
-- pointer is not moved by the call.
procedure Put_Item (File : File_Type; Str : String);
-- This routine is like Text_IO.Put, except that it checks for overflow
-- of bounded lines, as described in (RM A.10.6(8)). It is used for
-- all output of numeric values and of enumeration values.
procedure Store_Char
(File : File_Type;
ch : Integer;
Buf : out String;
Ptr : in out Integer);
-- Store a single character in buffer, checking for overflow and
-- adjusting the column number in the file to reflect the fact
-- that a character has been acquired from the input stream.
procedure String_Skip (Str : String; Ptr : out Positive'Base);
-- Used in the Get from string procedures to skip leading blanks in the
-- string. Ptr is set to the index of the first non-blank. If the string
-- is all blanks, then the excption End_Error is raised, Note that blank
-- is defined as a space or horizontal tab (RM A.10.6(5)).
procedure Ungetc (ch : Integer; File : File_Type);
-- Pushes back character into stream, using ungetc. The caller has
-- checked that the file is in read status. Device_Error is raised
-- if the character cannot be pushed back. An attempt to push back
-- an end of file (EOF) is ignored.
pragma Inline (Is_Blank);
end Ada.Text_IO.Generic_Aux;